CITO Skills Checker

CITO Skills Checker Ireland
CITO Skills Checker Norway
CITO Skills Checker Malta

Check your reading, writing, maths, and technology skills by using the CITO Skills Checker!

Discover your strengths, and find adult education options in Ireland so you can improve your skills and learn new ones.

CITO Skills Checker is completely free to use and confidential.

Check your skillls

Få tilgang til CITO Skills Checker for å sjekke ferdighetene dine, oppdage styrkene dine og finne alternativer for voksenopplæring i Norge.

Sjekk ferdighetene dine

Access the CITO Skills Checker to check your skills, discover your strengths, and find adult education options in Malta.

Check your skills

We're currently working on developing a Maltese version of the Skills Checker!

Dalwaqt... Aċċessa l-Verifikatur tal-Ħiliet tas-CITO biex tiċċekkja l-ħiliet tiegħek, tiskopri l-qawwiet tiegħek, u ssib għażliet ta' edukazzjoni għall-adulti f'Malta.